Energy Eye™ HVAC Energy Management System

We are Kauai’s only:

  • Factory Certified Installer
  • Certified Technical Service Provider
  • Distributor

Energy Eye™ is helping hotels save from 15% to 35% on their guest room air conditioning expenses – GUARANTEED!

What is Energy Eye?

  • It is an energy management system designed for hotel/resort rooms, offices, and condominiums to control your AC cooling based on room occupancy.
  • Energy Eye is the only energy management system that is insured and guaranteed to save you the most money on your HVAC utility bill!
  • Wireless occupancy sensors help manage HVAC energy consumption and prevent energy waste.
  • The Energy Eye uses a combination of advanced Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensors and Wireless Technology to control the rooms HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) temperature while occupants are away.
  • Hotels and offices can benefit from wireless sensors and controllers because they require less installation, and can be retrofitted in existing rooms without unsightly or expensive upfits.
  • They have been in the business of developing occupancy based HVAC and building energy management controls for hotel buildings since 2001. –Energy Eye, Inc.
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